The Caribbean is confronting a familiar old scourge. Pirates are back in these tropical waters, a result of the collapse of neighbouring Venezuela. It’s Carnival time in Trinidad and Tobago, when the twin-island Caribbean nation forgets its troubles in a blaze of colour and calypso. The annual party in the capital, Port of Spain, traces its roots back to the days when slave ships crossed the ocean to ply their wicked trade on these shores. But lately, the waves are bringing in another perilous adversary from the past. Carnival started as a celebration of the end of slavery. ( Foreign Correspondent ) Centuries after buccaneers like Captain Blackbeard plundered these tropical waters, pirates are back in the Caribbean. A new breed of marauder is crossing the narrow gulf from the failed state of Venezuela, terrorising the lawless waters just off the coast. And they’re proving every bit as fearsome as the pirates that came before them. Marlon Sookoo has seen up close what pirates are capable of. ( Foreign Correspondent ) Marlon Sookoo was shot twice through the right arm when Spanish-speaking men attempted to board his fishing boat under the cover of darkness. The wounds on Marlon’s arms are from a pirate attack five years ago. ( Foreign Correspondent ) The bullet wounds on the 42-year-old fisherman’s body are crude hints at just how ruthless the pirates of Trinidad’s maritime border can be. Marlon continues to fish near the Venezuelan coast despite the rise of piracy. He says he has no choice. ( Foreign Correspondent ) From Marlon’s beachside fishing sheds on the idyllic southern tip of Trinidad, you can see the faint outline of the Venezuelan coast across the Gulf of Paria. Young fishermen in the village of Fullerton in Trinidad and Tobago. ( Foreign Correspondent ) With fish stocks in decline, fishermen here in the sleepy village of Fullerton have been forced to chase their catch further out over the borderline. Many here depend on the sea for their livelihood and feel they have no choice but to venture out into the dangerous waters near the Venezuelan coast. The oversized outboard motor attached to Marlon’s traditional fishing boat is a clue as to what ” or who ” he might have to outrun to survive. Loading… At a rocky border outpost crowned with seabirds, Marlon approaches with caution. He keeps an eye to the horizon. This is a place he no longer dares to visit at night. The green coves under the towering Soldado Rock are a “pirate hideout”, Marlon says. He would know. Just near here five years ago, Marlon and his four crew members were collecting their fishing nets as night fell when they came face to face with pirates. Loading… Bloodied and in agony, Marlon slumped into the boat. As the men attempted to come aboard they became tangled in a fishing net, buying Marlon precious time to flee with his life. Others have not been so lucky out here. There have been about 14 reported cases of murder, kidnap, shooting, robbery, shipwreck or lives missing at sea in these waters since 2018. Others still go unreported. In January 2019, five fishermen were kidnapped at gunpoint and taken to Venezuela. The pirates demanded $US200,000 for their safe return. A fisherman from the village of Cedros in Trinidad has told of being robbed at gunpoint by men wearing t-shirts. Recreational sailors have reported being shot at; others have gone missing without a trace. Commander Don Polo. ( Foreign Correspondent ) The deadly threats lurking along Trinidad’s coast are being taken seriously by the government. They are not just worried about piracy. The Coast Guard is tasked with disrupting a steady trade in illicit smuggling along the vast and porous maritime border with Venezuela. Drugs, guns and people are being brought secretly into Trinidad. Commander Don Polo’s crew take no chances as they board and inspect boats crossing the channel. This article contains content that is not available. Loading… The problems on Trinidad’s doorstep are being driven by the worsening economic conditions in Venezuela. With 90 per cent of Venezuelans now living in poverty, an estimated 40,000 have sought refuge in Trinidad. Their numbers swelled last year when an immigration amnesty granted formerly illegal migrants temporary working papers. But desperate Venezuelans who attempt the journey across the sea to find a new life in Trinidad take huge risks. Loading… Kennier Berra Lopez is still waiting for news of what happened to his family. ( Foreign Correspondent ) When Venezuelan-born refugee Kennier Berra Lopez was granted temporary work status in Trinidad, he sent for his pregnant wife and two young children to join him. They paid a boat captain to illegally smuggle them across the water. He has been waiting for news of his family since they set sail last May. Kennier Berra Lopez came to Trinidad from Venezuela for a better life. ( Foreign Correspondent ) What happened to them the night their boat, the Ana Maria, went missing is as murky as the waters in which they were last seen. Kennier still holds out hope that his family are alive over a year since they went missing. ( Foreign Correspondent ) The sole survivor ” the boat’s driver, Alberto Abreu ” says he swam for help when they began to sink. Kennier believes his family are still alive and may have been kidnapped by pirates. The mystery of what happened to Kennier’s family makes it hard for him to bear. ( Foreign Correspondent ) For Kennier, the tragedy of what happened to his family is a silent, unbearable mystery. Kennier shows the tattooed initials of his lost family members. ( Foreign Correspondent ) All he has left of to remember them by is a tattoo bearing their initials. It’s a sad tribute to three more victims of the dangerous waters between Venezuela and Trinidad. The problems of piracy, illegal migration and smuggling have shaken the laid-back people of Trinidad. For fisherman Marlon Sookoo, he’ll keep going out to the borderline. But in this corner of the Caribbean, as in centuries past, “you can’t trust anyone,” he says. Drummers prepare for Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival celebration. ( Foreign Correspondent ) Watch Foreign Correspondent’s ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ tonight at 8pm on TV, iview and streaming live on Facebook and YouTube. Credits Reporter: Andy Park Video: Matt Davis Photography: Matt Davis and Andy Park Digital production: Matt Henry and Stuart Miller Music: Freetown Collective