An unregistered Brisbane charity, which donated thousands of the dollars to the Newman government, continues to solicit funds.

The national regulator has already stripped the First 24 Hrs Foundation of its charity status. It has now emerged the charity was never legally registered in Queensland.

The First 24 Hrs Foundation, founded by Collingwood Park man Eddy Andrews, raises funds through a series of sausage sizzle barbecues across Brisbane, which are staffed by volunteers.

In an interview with 4BC last year, Mr Edwards, who said on an online profile he served with the Australian Defence Force between 1974 and 1981 and has referred to himself as a member of the Australian para-rescue team in media interviews, said the Foundation had been established by a group of ex-military and emergency services personnel across the globe.

News in the sun can reveal the charity, which Mr Andrews claims in his LinkedIn profile and on the Foundation’s website “had its inception in 1992” to “provide funding and support when responding to the ever increasing numbers of man-made and natural disasters around the world”, was never registered with the Queensland Office of Fair Trading.

A spokesman for the OFT confirmed The First 24 Hrs Foundation had never been registered with the fair trading authority and the charity and its operations were under investigation.

The spokesman said charities were associations whose purpose is to benefit to the community, which included promoting the general welfare of the community and a foundation “providing assistance during a disaster and/or educating the public about disaster preparedness” came under the authority’s definition of needing to be registered.

“The OFT has no record of ‘The First 24 Hrs Foundation’ ever having been registered,” he said.

“It is illegal to fundraise without appropriate registration.

“The OFT is aware of the activities of The First 24 Hrs Foundation and is currently investigating alleged breaches of the Collections Act 1966.”

Speaking to News in the sun, Mr Andrews denied impropriety and blamed the regulator for failing to register with the Queensland authority, saying he had been told by an Australian Charity and Not-for-profits Commission employee that “we didn’t have to” register with the Office of Fair Trading.

“They said they are the coordinating body for all the charities throughout Australia,” he said.

A spokeswoman for the regulator disputed Mr Andrews claims.

“We do not give that advice,” she said.

“Fundraising licences are regulated by the states and territories, normally out of an Office of Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs. All our advice makes it clear that fundraising is regulated separately from the ACNC.”

The ACNC revoked the charity registration for The Trustee For First 24 Hrs Foundation on March 10 this year, a move the spokeswoman said was “only reserved for the most serious of cases”.

“For simple procedural matters, the ACNC works with charities to educate them of their obligations,” the spokeswoman said.

The decision was made effective from July 1, 2013, but the charity has continued to operate as usual.

Mr Andrews said the charity had not “accepted donations” for 12-18 months but admitted to continuing to operate the barbecues with the proceeds going to “getting the message out into the community that everyone really needs to have an emergency plan”.

“That’s not seeking donations,” he said.

“That’s selling a sausage and giving out information on being disaster relief prepared.”

A Twitter account linked to The First 24 Hrs Foundation, called Aust Sausage Sizzle promoted the foundation’s fundraising, with photos of the $2 sausage sizzle with the information “all the money raised is going to help get a ‘family safety plan’ into every home”. It was last active in December 2013.

Mr Andrews said the organisation could still continue to operate because although its charity status had been revoked, it was still a “private charitable trust”.

“ACNC has withdrawn the tax and the benefits that charities get,” he said.

“But it doesn’t mean that a private charity trust still can not operate as a private charitable trust, a group of people doing things to benefit the community.”

In describing his foundation online, Mr Andrews said it was “unique”, “because unlike other foundations, their bank statements will be posted online so you can track where funds go”.

News in the sun could find no record of bank statements being made publicly available, however donation records lodged with the Electoral Commission of Queensland showed The First 24 Hrs Foundation did make a $7400 donation to the LNP in August 2013.

A further $6300 was donated to the LNP in 2013 under the name The International Public Safety Group, which is listed under the same Collingwood Park address as The First 24 Hrs Foundation.

Mr Andrews made mention of running IPSG, which he said was an international disaster management business, in a media article in February 2011.

When questioned over the missing bank statements, Mr Andrews said he had wanted to make public records available “for quite some time”, but said the bank was concerned over a security issue.

“We’ve been looking into that and we’re waiting for the bank to come back to us to give us instructions of how we should do it to protect the data, the bank account details, the numbers and everything like that,” he said.

He said the money paid to the LNP was for a stall at its annual convention in order to promote awareness of the foundation.

“There was nothing sinister there or anything like that at all,” he said.

“It got traction to the website. It got people talking about disaster needs preparedness and it got people thinking about their own … safety.

“The state government, the federal government, the local councils, the local Red Cross, all those people have vested interest in getting people prepared for disasters and emergencies.”

An LNP spokesman said Mr Andrews had never been a member of the party.

“This is the first the LNP has heard of any issues surrounding Mr Andrews and the party will monitor any investigation,” he said.

Mr Andrews said the change in his foundation’s status was due to “procedural issues that weren’t being carried out properly,” adding that it was a matter of record keeping.

“We identified an issue some time ago and we’re in the process of taking steps to rectify that situation,” he said.

In the only annual information statement The First 24 Hrs Foundation lodged with the regulator in 2013, the charity said it had helped Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, migrants, children, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, elderly people, people with disabilities and ethnic people.

It specifically mentions sponsorship and donation to the Cherbourg Aboriginal Community annual football tournament.

Warren Collins, president of the Cherbourg Hornets Rugby League Club, told News in the sun he knew of no donation or sponsorship to his team.

The ACNC is prevented by secrecy provisions in the commission’s legislation from disclosing the details of any investigation.

The Fair Trading investigation is on-going.