Police who investigated the Claremont serial killings held out hope for a second grim discovery when they were called to the site where Jane Rimmer’s body was found, the WA Supreme Court has been told. Bradley Edwards has pleaded not guilty to murdering three women in 1996 and 1997 His lawyers are questioning how police gathered evidence at two bush grave sites A former officer says DNA contamination was not a big concern at the time Former Macro Task Force detective Robert Kays on Tuesday gave evidence at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards, who is accused of killing Sarah Spiers, 18, Ms Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27. The women all disappeared from the Perth suburb of Claremont between 1996 and 1997, purportedly at the hands of a serial killer, but Edwards denies having anything to do with their deaths. Mr Kays worked for Macro ” the biggest police investigation in Australian history, which was set up after Ms Rimmer became the second woman to disappear from Claremont. When her body was found in bushland at Wellard, south of Perth, he coordinated a broad search of the area in the hope that Ms Spiers’s body may also be located. Bradley Edwards denies murdering Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon. ( : Anne Barnetson ) Mr Kays told the court officers were instructed to walk in a straight line “body to body” looking for anything that might be related to either woman. “Obviously Sarah hadn’t been located then so that was a major interest,” he said. “With the utmost respect for the Spiers family, I don’t think we would have located a body. We were looking for a pelvic bone, maybe a skull, teeth.” “Jane’s clothing had been removed so those items were of interest as well.” Former detective Robert Kays worked for the Macro Task Force, the police unit that investigated the Claremont killings. ( : Hugh Sando ) He said numerous searches were conducted over two to three weeks, including by police divers who examined nearby waterways, but their efforts were fruitless. “We looked hard but found nothing,” he said. Ms Spiers’s body has never been located. Lock of hair given to Rimmer family Another homicide detective, Vicky Young, recalled the moment at the Wellard crime scene when detectives realised the body in the bushland was likely Ms Rimmer. “We could clearly see a bellybutton ring, which I had known was a piece of jewellery that Jane wore,” she said. “From then we knew we were looking at the possibility of having found and located Jane.” Homicide detective Vicky Young was one of the first police officers to visit the site where Jane Rimmer’s body lay. ( : Hugh Sando ) The detective went to the state mortuary where Ms Rimmer’s post-mortem examination was conducted. “We had two families on hold that night waiting to know whether it was their daughter we’d found so the primary duty that night was to try and do identification,” she said. The detective told the court how she was given a lock of the victim’s hair which she took home, washed and put in a gift box to give to the Rimmer family as an act of compassion. Police may have stepped on Ciara Glennon’s body A former forensic police officer earlier admitted he may have inadvertently touched or even trodden on Ms Glennon’s body as it lay in a bush grave, as forensic handling of the case continues to come under scrutiny. Barry Mott was a sergeant working in the WA Police Forensic Unit in 1996 and 1997, when the bodies of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon were found dumped at remote bush sites at opposite ends of the city. Ciara Glennon’s body was found in Eglinton three weeks after her disappearance. ( ) Under questioning from defence lawyer Paul Yovich SC, Mr Mott said DNA technology was in its infancy at the time and was not a prominent consideration for police officers attending crime scenes. “You didn’t go to a scene thinking you could potentially contaminate it without even touching it?” Mr Yovich asked the witness. “Definitely not,” Mr Mott replied. Loading… Moving body ‘quite difficult’, court told He was then asked specifically about the area of bushland in Eglinton, north of Perth, where Ms Glennon’s body was found by a member of the public off a narrow limestone track, three weeks after her disappearance from Claremont. Mr Mott was responsible for collecting exhibits from that scene as well as helping to lift her body out of the bushland. He was asked about the precautions he took to avoid disturbing the body and the vegetation around it. Barry Mott said it was possible he had inadvertently stepped on Ms Glennon’s body. ( : Hugh Sando ) “Did you knowingly step on anything that might be an exhibit?” Mr Yovich asked. “You didn’t knowingly step on Ciara’s body, not even her hair?” Mr Mott said he had not done so intentionally, but it was possible he had inadvertently. “You’re treading carefully, you’re trying to be respectful and do your job. Obviously, you’ve got to get close to the deceased or the body,” Mr Mott said. “I honestly can’t recall whether I stepped on it. “Trying to move a deceased body is quite difficult, especially one in that condition.” Skirt sample not recorded on police system Mr Mott was also responsible for couriering some of the Eglinton crime scene exhibits from WA’s PathWest lab to the ChemCentre on April 9, 1997. When asked why one of those exhibits, a sample taken from Ms Glennon’s skirt, was not recorded on the police property tracing system, he conceded it was likely an oversight on his behalf. Mr Yovich said while that particular exhibit was not considered critical, it was transferred alongside other critical material. Edwards’s lead defence counsel, Paul Yovich, is attempting cast doubt over police processes. ( : Hugh Sando ) He indicated that its omission from the system spoke to the processes undertaken by police to move evidence from one place to another. It is a key argument of Edwards’s defence team that DNA found under Ciara Glennon’s fingernail was contaminated inside the state’s pathology lab with DNA from the 1995 rape of a teenage girl at Karrakatta Cemetery, which Edwards admitted to ahead of his trial . His lawyers have attempted to cast doubt over police processes and to identify opportunities for cross-contamination to have occurred. Trial hears graphic details of rape victim’s injuries On Monday, graphic details of the injuries suffered by the 17-year-old girl violently raped twice by Edwards were detailed in court by a doctor who examined her in the hours after her protracted ordeal. The girl had been walking home from a night out in Claremont on February 12, 1995, when Edwards grabbed her while she walked past some bushes on her way through a poorly-lit park and threw her to the ground. Edwards has pleaded guilty to raping a teenage girl at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995. ( Supplied: Supreme Court of WA ) He bound her hands and feet together, stuffed thick cloth into her mouth and put a hood over her head, before bundling her into his work van and driving her to Karrakatta Cemetery, where he dragged her through dirt and raped her twice. Former Sexual Assault Resource Centre on-call doctor Amanda Barbara told the court she remembered the assault 25 years later because of “the violent nature of the assault by a stranger, the fact that she had been hooded and restrained, the extent and painfulness of her injuries”. As annotated avatar-style drawings of a female figure were shown on court screens, Dr Barnard described the girl’s injuries, which included bruises and abrasions on her arms and legs, red scratch marks and unusual injuries on her upper arm. “It was an unusual sort of injury and it looked like it had been made by something sharp,” she said. “I could think that it could have been some sort of scratch marks made by something sharp.” Dr Barnard said the teenager had a sore left wrist and her arm was “very swollen and tender from the middle of her forearm tight down to the mid palm.” Pain and tenderness in her left thumb remained for some time, Dr Barnard said, and was mentioned by the girl at subsequent medical appointments. The trial, before Justice Stephen Hall, is continuing.