Thieves who broke into a southern German museum and stole hundreds of ancient gold coins were in and out in nine minutes without raising an alarm, officials have confirmed.  Power was cut to the region minutes before the break in The heist has been blamed on a Berlin-based crime family Officials acknowledged there was no overnight guard Police have launched an international hunt for the thieves and their loot, which consisted of 483 Celtic coins and a lump of raw gold that were discovered in 1999, during an archaeological dig near the present-day town of Manching. Guido Limmer ” the deputy head of Bavaria’s State Criminal Police Office ” said that, at 1:17am on Tuesday, cables were cut at a telecoms hub about 1 kilometre from the Celtic and Roman Museum in Manching, knocking out communications networks in the region. He said that security systems at the museum recorded a door was pried open at 1:26 am and then the thieves left again at 1:35 am. It was in those nine minutes that the culprits must have smashed open a display cabinet and scooped out the treasure, he said.  Mr Limmer said there were “parallels” between the heist in Manching and the theft of priceless jewels in Dresden and a large gold coin in Berlin in recent years. Both of the latter incidents have been blamed on a Berlin-based crime family. The Celtic-Roman Museum had no overnight guard at the time of the heist.  ( AP Photo: dpa/Armin Weigel ) “Whether there’s a link we can’t say,” he said. “Only this much: We are in touch with colleagues to investigate all possible angles.” Bavaria’s minister of science and arts, Markus Blume, said evidence pointed to the work of professionals. “It’s clear that you don’t simply march into a museum and take this treasure with you,” he told public broadcaster BR. “It’s highly secured and, as such, there’s a suspicion that we’re rather dealing with a case of organised crime.” Officials acknowledged, however, that there was no guard at the museum overnight. An alarm system was deemed to provide sufficient security, said Rupert Gebhard, who heads the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection in Munich. Value of the coins Mr Gebhard said the hoard of coins was of great value, both for the local community in Manching and for archaeologists across Europe. He said the bowl-shaped coins, dating back to about 100 BC, were made from Bohemian river gold and show how the Celtic settlement at Manching had links across Europe. Mr Gebhard estimated the value of the treasure at about 1.6 million euros ($2.47 million). “The archaeologists hope that the coins remain in their original state and reappear again at some point,” he said, adding they are well documented and would be hard to sell. “The worst option, the melting down, would mean a total loss for us,” he said. He noted the value of the gold itself would only run to about 250,000 euros at current market prices. Anatomy of a heist When George Clooney pulls off an elaborate heist in the movies, a sharp suit and some high-tech wizardry are the order of the day, but what happens in the real world? Read more Mr Gebhard said the size of the trove suggested it might have been “the war chest of a tribal chief”. It was found inside a sack buried beneath building foundations, and was the biggest such discovery made during regular archaeological excavations in Germany in the 20th century. Mr Limmer said Interpol and Europol have already been alerted to the coins’ theft and a 20-strong special investigations unit, codenamed Oppidum after the Latin term for a Celtic settlement, has been established to track down the culprits. AP