“Hello, Vicky!” Fadwa Assaad calls out, waving in a regular client and pulling out a chair. Since 1983, the locals of Kambalda, a mining town in the WA Goldfields, have been coming to her family’s video shop for more than DVDs and VHS tapes. At the store, built inside an old drive-in kiosk, they can get a cup of strong coffee, a seat in the shade, and good chat. The Assaads have always felt at home in Kambalda after moving from Lebanon in 1970. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio “My customers call me Mum, Grandma, sister,” says Mrs Assaad, wiping a tear with the back of her hand. “Because I treat them like my own. My customers are like family, not like customers.” These days, not many people wander into the Assaads’ shop. Its doors, plastered with faded posters of The Princess Diaries and Dynamite Warriors, will shut for good this weekend. Assaad Video Store will shut its doors for good after 40 years. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio The Assaads claim their video store is the last in the state, and one of the very few left in the country. But it is hard to confirm, as even the Australian Video Rental Retailers Association folded in 2016. The dome of the video store stands out against the blue sky and the red dirt. White like a snow globe, it looks frozen in time in 40-degree heat.  The video store is an iconic landmark. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio “Forty years, we are the last video shop in Western Australia. And we are only little people, not a big company,” Mrs Assaad says with a smile. “I reckon we’ve done very well.” A home as big as a town Khalead Assaad emigrated from Lebanon in 1970 to work on Kambalda’s nickel mines until 1983 when he decided to open a video store. Mr Assaad left mining to become his own boss. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio Mr Assaad, his wife and their four boys immediately felt welcome in the outback town. “It doesn’t matter where you come from, when you come to Kambalda, you feel at home,” Mrs Assaad says. The Assaads say people in Kambalda have been good to them. Goldfields Jarrod Lucas She says their business could not have survived this long without the support of the “beautiful people of Kambalda”. Now in their seventies, the Assaads can count on their customers for sales and also for homemade treats and a helping hand. Money flying in and money flying out “Now there’s no people, how do people just disappear?” Mr Assaad says. Goldfields-Esperance Jarrod Lucas The town feels like a big family to the couple. But, Mr Assaad says it is one in which all the children have grown up and left their ageing parents alone in a big, empty house. Over five decades, mines closed and reopened, the population dropped, and returned. And when nickel began booming again, FIFO work took a big chunk out of community life. The Assaads say FIFO work changed the social fabric of the town. Goldfields Jarrod Lucas “You’ve got people working here, families here, you make good money. “Fly-in, fly-out money flies in and flies out,” Mr Assaad laughs. The glory days of Assaad Video Shop, when it was full of people renting DVDs and buying popcorn and fizzy drinks, are long gone, but Mr Assaad remembers them well. “I loved it. It was just busy, busy all the time.” Popcorn and Google Mr Assaad says being in business is like playing two-up sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio Mr Assaad, a true businessman, misses restocking shelves with the latest releases that he never had time to watch. But remembering that a trip to the video store was once a family outing is what makes his wife feel nostalgic. Mr Assaad says he was once so busy he didn’t have time to watch new releases. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio “They used to get a movie and sit all together that’s value, that’s family,” Mrs Assaad says. “Getting your phone and going in your room, that’s not family.” Mr Assaad also has a gripe with mobile phones, saying “when the phone came up” he started losing customers. The video store lost its clients when streaming became popular. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio “And Flex, whatever they call it,” he added, specifying that he refuses to learn the name of the streaming service that made his business go broke. Not many people still come to Mr Assaad for advice on which comedy to watch. They are told by an algorithm. “Now people don’t need people, they need Google,” says Mrs Assaad, with a disapproving look. Not many people come to Mr Assaad for movie recommendations these days. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio Slowing down with the business “How are you going to work your brain with no-one asking it for something?” Mr Assaad protests. He says retirement doesn’t suit him, and he’d rather “play business” than golf. But time, which can be brutal in mining towns and with technology, has started to be unkind to the Assaads too. The Assaads say business is slow, and they are slowing down too. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio “Now business is slow and we slow with the business,” says the 77-year-old. His wife also takes a practical approach to the passing of time, which has become evident on the store sign ” in desperate need of a new coat of paint. “I am going, but my brain and my heart are here,” Mrs Assaad says. Goldfields Giulia Bertoglio “Nothing stays the same, you know,” Mrs Assaad says. Before they shut up shop for good, the Assaads are taking on one last ambitious task ” finding a new home for the 10,000 videos lining their shelves. Mr Assaad’s video store has a library of about 10,000 DVDs that he is trying to sell. 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