The owner of a family-run bakery in Queensland says she has lost thousands of dollars and suffered verbal abuse and online trolling after her business was declared a coronavirus exposure venue earlier this year. Key points About 37 small businesses were declared coronavirus venues during the Easter long weekend Maree Baker says she felt “abandoned” by Queensland Health Queensland Small Business Commissioner said businesses need bettter support Gin Gin bakery owner Maree Baker said she was startled and went into “panic mode” after being told by Queensland Health a positive case had visited the bakery for a short time on March 25 . “They said I had 25 minutes before it would be out into the public,” she said. “I wasn’t a close contact, so I just needed a test, but three staff members had to quarantine for two weeks. Catch up on the latest COVID-19 news here “They said I didn’t have to do a deep clean because the case was only here for a short amount of time, but that was only after I rang them back and asked.” The man was one of 10 cases that plunged the Greater Brisbane area into a snap three-day lockdown .   Ms Baker said she felt “abandoned” by Queensland Health. Supplied ‘You should be closed down’ Ms Baker said she felt there was no support or guidance from Queensland Health about the cleaning requirements or what to do next. “I felt I was just abandoned by Queensland Health ” left out to dry,” Ms Baker said. “They didn’t care ” they told us we had a case here and that was it. “We had to do limited hours because I just didn’t have the staff, so that was a big issue ” it was very hard.” Ms Baker said she had worked out her business had lost about $20,000. “Then there’s been customers saying ‘oh, you had a COVID case here’ [and] we’ve had people on social media saying ‘you are disgusting, you should be closed down’,” she said. “I know they would be busy with contact tracing, but surely there’s an email or checklist they could send you outlining what to do if you’ve had a COVID case.” About 37 small businesses were declared coronavirus venues during the Easter long weekend. Customers have begun to return to the Gin Gin Bakery. Supplied No financial compensation for businesses Queensland Small Business Commissioner Maree Adshead said it was a common experience for businesses across the state, who had been declared exposure sites. “There are different levels of exposure and depending on how long the positive visit occurred, who they interacted with and how at the premises ” there’s different requirements,” Ms Adshead said. “A deep clean isn’t always required, so that’s been really confusing for business owners, plus also how they deal with their staff with quarantine. “I think Queensland Health is genuinely trying to make that information more digestible in a business context, but there’s always room for improvement.” Ms Adshead said her appeals to the state government to help small business have been unsuccessful. Supplied Office of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner Ms Adshead said she wanted to see more action from the Queensland government to help businesses deal with the impacts of stigma and financial losses. “These businesses, if they’ve reopened, they’re safe,” Ms Adshead said. “You can go back ” you don’t have to avoid shopping at that shop for six months and that’s what’s happening. “I would love for Queensland Health to create a template that’s got a huge big green tick on it and a big logo, so those owners can print it out and stick it up in front of their shops to build back confidence.” Ms Adshead said many business owners remain confused about what to do when they were declared as having exposure to COVID-19. “If they have to do a deep clean, it’s at their own expense, which I think is a bit tough as some have to engage external cleaners,” she said. “There is no financial compensation for these businesses, and I think that’s a tricky thing because this is not their fault ” they’re just unlucky.” There are calls for a printed template with a green tick and logo on it for business to use once they are safe. Wide Bay Ross Kay Ms Adshead said her appeals to the state government to offer financial support and create a green tick print-out for small businesses had been unsuccessful. In a statement, a spokesperson for Queensland Health said exposure venues in the state were not automatically required to close following a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. “These venues are contacted by a public health unit and are assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on the risk of others being exposed,” the statement said. “A public health unit will also provide advice around ‘next steps’, so the venue can quickly and safely reopen, including where to find extra resources on the Queensland Health website, how to communicate with customers about reopening, and how and where to clean.” In Parliament, Small Business Minister Di Farmer acknowledged businesses declared exposure sites faced additional issues and challenges. “That’s why in the couple of occasions that a lockdown has occurred, I have immediately convened meetings with peak small business bodies,” she said. “I want to thank the Chief Health Officer [Dr Jeannette Young] because I’ve specifically convened those meetings so she can speak to those peak bodies directly. “We know there are so many different ways those lockdowns and those exposure sites can be affected and we can’t even necessarily predict all of those ways. “We work very, very closely with the Minister for Health and every single issue that is raised by small business at the time is dealt with immediately.” Businesses could ‘fold or fail’ Opposition small business spokesman Brent Mickelberg said he wanted the Queensland government to put better structures in place to equip businesses with the information and financial support they need. [Qld local edition teaser] “The thing that concerns me is your small mum-and-dad businesses, your family businesses like your butchers, bakers, cafes ” they’re really impacted here,” Mr Mickelberg said. “Woolworths and Coles, your big chain stores, they’ve got the capacity to be able to have a formalised process and a much larger workforce. “They can absorb the impact of being identified as COVID exposure site.” He said if the business does not have the capacity to wear the cost associated with that interruption, “they’ll fold or fail”. “They are already under a fair bit of pressure because of coronavirus restrictions,” he said.