What’s the definition of reform? When it comes to tax ” if recent events are any indication ” it would appear to be something along these lines I should pay less, or nothing at all, and everyone else should cover me. For weeks now, debate has raged about reining in some extraordinarily generous tax concessions on superannuation that have been available to all Australians, but which overwhelmingly benefit what amounts to a handful of the nation’s wealthiest. Despite the lurid headlines suggesting your superannuation “nest egg” is about to be taxed, that’s simply untrue. Your super balance is not being taxed, nor will it be. It is the earnings or the income derived from it that will be taxed at a higher rate. But that will only happen if you are extraordinarily wealthy and have managed to squirrel away more than $3 million in retirement savings. For many of the nation’s wealthiest, however, all is not lost. Even after the changes, they still will be paying a substantially lower rate of income tax than the majority of ordinary workers, simply because they are retired. They’ll pay absolutely no tax at all in retirement on the income they receive from up to $1.7 million worth of investments. And they’ll pay just 15 per cent tax on the income they derive from a further $1.3 million worth of investments. To put some numbers on it ” in an average year with a 5 per cent return ” they’ll pay around $9,750 in tax on income of $150,000. That’s a tax rate of just 6.5 per cent. How good is that for sitting around doing nothing all day? Compare that to a worker pulling in the average wage of $63,882. He, or she, will pay more tax at $12,906. That’s a tax rate of about 20 per cent. The tax concessions that ate the budget NAB CEO Ross McEwan says $3 million represents a very impressive super balance. Supplied NAB The uncomfortable truth is that the super concessions ” now costing a monumental $48 billion a year ” are social welfare payments the nation can no longer afford. The greater your wealth, the more benefits you derive. The mooted changes ” which will kick into gear after the next election ” are simple enough. If you have retirement savings beyond that $3 million cap, you’ll pay tax at just 30 per cent which, again, is substantially lower than many working Australians pay. The retirement system will remain overwhelmingly generous to retirees. It will simply limit the amount of taxpayer largesse to the uber rich. Conveniently, that 30 per cent tax rate is the same as the company tax rate and the tax levied at family trusts. As National Australia Bank boss Ross McEwan noted “Three million dollars is a lot of money to have in a super fund.”  While it’s guaranteed to see him snubbed at the golf club by a grumpy few, he made the valid point that the changes “needed to be made”. With $1 trillion in debt and deficits forecast out for a decade, the $2 billion in savings from the changes will barely be noticed in the national accounts. But then there is the question of fairness. Why should young workers, struggling under the weight of soaring interest rates and higher costs, be forced to subsidise the lifestyles of the rich and retired? Income tax cuts and myths about growth The majority of older Australians will be unaffected by the proposed changes to super.  unsplash.com Huy Phan How many times do you see stern faced leaders calling for comprehensive “tax reform”. Rarely are there ever any specific suggestions on changes but the general vibe is that corporations and higher paid salary earners should pay much less tax. Often, this is backed up by loose claims that such a move would enhance productivity and the extra spending power from corporations would boost economic growth. Labor wants to revamp super Political ideology and business interests have long guided decision-making on what happens to people’s superannuation. But the $3.3 trillion in retirement savings belongs to workers, writes Nassim Khadem. It’s a go-to topic for politicians wanting to make themselves popular just before an election. The three stage income tax cuts introduced by the Turnbull government ” partly implemented by the Morrison government and endorsed by the Albanese government ” are a good example. Unfortunately, there appears scant evidence ” apart from that commissioned and paid for by lobby groups ” to support any of these claims. One of the more comprehensive studies on the issue, by the Washington based Brookings Institute ” using data collated over a century and a review of a range of economic research papers ” found little correlation between tax cuts and growth.  “We find that, while there is no doubt that tax policy can influence economic choices, it is by no means obvious, on an ex-ante basis, that tax rate cuts will ultimately lead to a larger economy,” it said. In fact, history often shows the opposite effect. The graph below, for example, compares growth rates for US jobs and GDP after the 1993 US income tax increases and compares them with growth rates after the 2001 tax cuts. On both measures, the economy outperformed after tax increases. That’s not to say that higher taxes are better for growth. It’s just that the link between tax and economic performance is tenuous at best. The study did, however, highlight one of the dangers of tax cuts. If they are not matched by spending cuts, they can create ongoing structural deficits, forcing interest rates up to cover the extra debt. That’s been a recurring problem in Australia, particularly in the new millennium. The short-term revenue bonanza from the first decade’s mining construction boom was transferred into long-term income tax cuts and tax concessions ” with nary a thought for the future impact on the budget and debt. Everyone loves a tax cut. But no-one is willing to give up any benefits. ‘I still want a free lunch’ Respected economist Saul Eslake blasted the policy that allowed many over 60s to live tax-free. Cameron Atkins Until 2007, all retirees paid tax on the earnings from their super funds, albeit at a concessional rate. The monumental change ” to eliminate tax from retirement investment earnings ” was one of the last hurrahs of the Howard government before it was swept from power. It came at an enormous cost that continues to balloon. Budgeted at just $6.2 billion over the first three years, it now forms a major plank in the total cost of super tax concessions that drain $48 billion a year from the coffers. Described by independent economist Saul Eslake as “one of the worst tax policy decisions of the past 20 years”, it meant that those over 60 with enough wealth to retire lived tax-free, while others over 60 who worked paid tax, along with everyone else. As the population aged ” and a smaller proportion of workers were forced to pick up the tab for an ever increasing cohort of retirees ” it fell upon the newly elected Abbott government to try to rein in the cost.  Nothing happened, however, until the Turnbull government whacked a limit on the tax-free threshold of $1.6 million in the 2016 Budget. It allowed retirees to earn a tax-free income, up to a point, and then pay an extremely modest 15 per cent tax on their investment earnings above that. Bill Shorten tasted electoral defeat in 2019 after threatening to tinker with Australians’ retirement and wealth assets.  Getty Scott Barbour The backlash from well-heeled constituents back then was perhaps even more intense than that faced by the Albanese government’s effort a fortnight ago to further rein in the largesse by limiting super balances at a whopping $3 million. Australia’s taxation system is ripe for real reform ” particularly where it comes to shoring up revenue ” if the nation is ever to put its finances on a sound footing. Capital gains and negative gearing are just two areas that eat into budget income and skew investment decisions, pushing up the cost of housing. After the drubbing meted out to Bill Shorten in the election four years ago, however, these are likely to be off limits for years, possibly even forever. Instead. there’s unlikely to be any let-up in the ongoing campaign for continued income tax cuts. But those pushing for lower taxes and further concessions would do well to remember one of Milton Friedman’s oft quoted expressions. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”