A conservation organisation is set to trial Elon Musk’s new satellite internet service, which could provide connectivity for scientists in typically cut-off areas of the Kimberley.   Key points A remote worker is trialling Starlink between Derby and Broome despite it not being rolled out in the region  Scientists hope to use the service to transmit data and stay connected in remote locations A consumer advocacy body says it will provide more competition, but in-person support is needed for consumers Starlink is a constellation of low orbit satellites, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, which aims to bring internet to people around the world.  The satellites, which often look like trains of lights in the night sky, have been seen over parts of Australia, including the Kimberley, in recent months.  The internet service is not expected to be available in WA’s North West until the beginning of next year.  Scientists to use it in the field The Australian Wildlife Conservancy AWC, which manages swathes of land in the Kimberley, is looking at using Starlink for scientists in the field.  AWC ecologists work with rangers in some of the most remote parts of the Kimberley where internet access is limited. Supplied AWC/Naomi Blondel AWC’s chief information technology officer, Damien Kerr, said it could provide real-time connectivity with staff who are collecting data on important species in the region.  “If we are able to have portable internet connectivity it would just vastly improve how we’re able to store, collect, and report on that data,” Mr Kerr said.   “We’re hoping this kind of connectivity, coupled with the existing NBN services, which have served us very well over the years, can help support our ecologists out in the field.”  Mr Kerr said there were risks involved for AWC staff operating in remote areas of the Kimberley where the closest help was a long way away. “You are placing quite a bit of faith in a commercial company and things happen with satellites. They do run into trouble here and there,” he said.  “We will not be putting ourselves in a position of reliance on this [Starlink] until we have assurance about what the consistency and reliability is.” The AWC has staff operating in areas of the Kimberley where aircraft are needed to drop off supplies and internet access is limited. Erin Parke Starlink tried in Kimberley Remote meat worker, John Stevenson not his real name, told the he was trialling Starlink in an area of the Kimberley with limited internet service.  “I work for a remote business literally smack bang in the middle between Broome and Derby ” no landline, no nothing,” he said.  Mr Stevenson started using Starlink despite it not being officially rolled out for residents in the Kimberley. Supplied John Stevenson “So when I started following Starlink, over 12 months ago, I thought that really could be a game changer for how we do our business.”  The business relies on the Skymuster internet satellite because there’s no phone reception in the area, but Mr Stevenson said it “doesn’t cut the mustard”. “We’ve got pastoral property so there are impacts for them and then head offices based in Perth, so it [Starlink] enables us to better communicate with our directors,” he said. The business Mr Stevenson works for also operates a station, where workers could use Starlink. Kimberley Hilary Smale But Mr Stevenson said, while Starlink worked, it dropped out intermittently as it connected from one passing satellite to another. “So it’s sort of a hit and miss, but considering it’s not rolled out here ¦ I think that’s pretty good,” he said.  Provides more competition Australian Communications Consumer Action Network chief executive Andrew Williams said the new internet service would offer an alternative in the market for remote users. Internet advice for regional Australia If you’re in the market for a new internet plan, you might have heard about Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite service. It’s causing quite the stir in regional Australia. But is it right for you? “That will provide greater choice and ideally more flexibility for consumers, and also more price competitiveness, because the systems and the services are not cheap,” he said. But Mr Williams said having a physical presence in Australia would be “beneficial” because consumers needed to be able to address technical issues with the service. “If you don’t have connectivity, then online restoration and online service is virtually impossible,” he said. “So having a human to talk to certainly makes a big difference.” Mr Williams encouraged people to look at the federally funded Regional Tech Hub website if they wanted to find the internet service that best suits them. “That provides some dedicated support and service to assist people make the decisions around communications suitable to their specific location,” he said. Local news direct to your inbox Kimberley will deliver a wrap of the week’s news, stories and photos every Tuesday. Sign up to stay connected.