The tobacco giant behind the Marlboro man has sparked outrage in medical circles over a bid to invest in a company that develops inhaler technology, which could see it profit from the smoking-related lung diseases it helped create. Key points Philip Morris is in the middle of a takeover bid for a company that makes inhalers for lung disease Doctor and patient groups are outraged about the proposed move If it proceeds it could have ramifications for prescribing, research and global treaties because of widespread policies banning engagement with tobacco companies Philip Morris International is in the middle of a takeover bid over for Vectura, a UK company that specialises in inhaler technology for lung illnesses. In Australia, experts say it could threaten research and force doctors to change the way they treat some patients with lung disease. There are also concerns the deal could put Australia in breach of a global treaty. The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand chief executive Graham Hall said there were deep concerns among its 2,000 members, which include doctors and other medical professionals. “If they buy Vectura, Philip Morris will then be making money not only from selling cigarettes that cause lung disease, but they’ll also be making money from the technologies that treat patients who have lung disease caused by smoking,” he said. Do you know more about this story? Email . The deal should not be on the table, Lung Foundation Australia chief executive Mark Brooke said. “This is part of the history of tobacco companies greenwashing the sector and [Philip Morris] trying to reposition itself as a health and wellbeing company,” he said. “The Lung Foundation is incredibly disappointed that this transaction is even being considered.” Taxpayer funding could ‘indirectly’ go to tobacco company Professor Hall, a respiratory physiologist, said the Vectura takeover could force some specialists to prescribe different medications to some of the 464,000 Australians with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD who use Vectura inhalers. COPD is an umbrella term for a group of diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis and chronic asthma and causes progressive decline of the lungs. Up to 50 per cent of smokers develop some level of COPD. “How can we in good conscience give a treatment to a patient where the funding from that treatment will be going to the company that caused the disease to begin with?” Professor Hall asked. “No doctor is going to want to prescribe a treatment to a patient, that they know may be funding a tobacco company.” In Australia, at least 10 different dry powder inhalers use a technology made by Vectura. These eight inhalers are among those that use Vectura technology. Supplied That includes four kinds distributed by Novartis, called Breezhalers, five types sold by GlaxoSmithKline under the brand name Ellipta, and Mundipharma’s flutiform inhaler. Figures from the federal government’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme show that 2 million scripts for brands of these inhalers were dispensed in 2020, at a cost of about $121 million to taxpayers. While much goes directly to the pharmaceutical company involved, Vectura has ongoing licensing and royalty deals with the companies that use its technology. Respiratory physiologist Graham Hall said many health professionals had concerns. Supplied Graham Hall “It could be the situation where the Australian government is paying taxpayers’ funding indirectly to a tobacco company to treat patients who have lung disease caused by tobacco,” Professor Hall said. In a statement a Novartis spokesperson confirmed it had contracts with Vectura but said it was “responsible” for developing, making and commercialising its Breezhalers. It said it could not comment on a pending third-party transaction and did not indicate whether Novartis had internal policies regarding engaging with tobacco companies. GSK said it recognised the concerns expressed by health and patient organisations and other stakeholders on the proposed acquisition. In a statement, a company spokesperson said it was not a current customer or partner of Vectura, but did pay minor royalties for patent licences related to a company acquired by Vectura. Vectura was also recently awarded nearly $90 million in damages and royalties in a patent dispute with GSK over its Ellipta inhalers after GSK failed to renew a 2010 licensing agreement. ‘I’ve lit two cigarettes and eaten another one’ The proposed takeover has also raised the ire of patients with COPD, like Polly Richardson. The 56-year-old struggles to breathe so much she has to plan her sentences to allow for breaths between words. She was a pack-a-day smoker and in otherwise good health when she was diagnosed in her early fifties. “The doctor told me I was already stage four COPD with about 22 per cent lung capacity left at that stage,” she said. “You’ve got this disease and there’s nothing we can do, and just expect to die from it.” Polly Richardson is one of the half a million Australians who have COPD. Supplied Polly Richardson The former teacher now works from home and says simple tasks like showering can exhaust her. “With such low lung capacity, it starts to affect every organ in your body.” She’s so addicted to cigarettes she hasn’t been able to stop despite many attempts. Ms Richardson is among a very small number of people who cannot use special medications designed to help people quit smoking. Instead, after starting the medication it had the reverse effect on her. “I rang the doctor and said we’ve got a problem, because I’ve just lit two cigarettes and eaten another one.” Ms Richardson resents big tobacco and is cynical about any moves into the inhaler market. “So now not only are they promoting the cause, they’re now going to be in control of the treatment of that as well? “I just find it really ironic that they’re now trying to control the drugs that are needed to temper the problem that they created in the first place.” Takeover could force government into treaty breach Melbourne-based doctor Bronwyn King has led a global charge to urge companies to divest from the tobacco industry. The radiation oncologist said, should the sale go ahead, it could potentially put Australia in breach of a global treaty it ratified on tobacco control. Bronwyn King said the deal could put Australia in breach of a treaty.  Supplied Bronwyn King That’s because by subsidising the inhalers under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme PBS, the government would be indirectly funding a tobacco company. The treaty asks countries to protect their health policies from vested interests in tobacco. “It’s a UN tobacco control treaty and it’s been signed and ratified by more than 180 countries, including the UK, including Australia,” she said. “One of the provisions of the treaty is that it explicitly prohibits engagement between governments and the tobacco industry.” In a statement, a federal Health Department spokesperson said the government was aware of its obligations under the treaty and that it was closely monitoring tobacco industry activities. However, the spokesperson was unaware there were at least 10 products on the taxpayer-funded PBS with Vectura technology in them, until the brought it to their attention. Company wants to address ‘problem of cigarettes’ Philip Morris has been signalling it wants to get out of the “combustible” cigarette business to ensure its longevity, with other pharmaceutical deals likely to be on cards. Chief executive Jacek Olczak told American business media channel CNBC they were “serious about transforming the company”. “Unless we start addressing in a meaningful way the problem of cigarettes, I don’t think we will be a sustainable business.” But these pronouncements are being met with scepticism as the company simultaneously spruiks its e-cigarette and new heated tobacco products. Dr King said Philip Morris appeared to be moving out of cigarettes in developed countries, but increasing its efforts in middle and lower-income countries. “We saw that Philip Morris just made a bid for a new cigarette factory licence in Egypt,” she said. “What they say and what they do, in my view, are very different things.” Australian research could be under threat The takeover bid could also have ramifications for Australian research. Professor Hall said many doctors, health bodies and medical journals had policies in place that banned professionals from dealing with tobacco companies. He said if the sale went ahead Vectura researchers could be banned from medical conferences, medical professionals would likely boycott drug education events, and medical journals would be unable to publish studies involving Vectura products. “Cutting-edge research would not be able to be published in those journals if there were known links to Vectura if it’s acquired by Philip Morris,” he said. Monash University’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences announced last year it had signed a deal with Vectura to develop inhaled oxytocin delivered via a dry powder inhaler to prevent postpartum haemorrhage in childbirth. Monash University has been contacted for comment. The takeover bid has already been approved by Vectura’s board. It goes before shareholders in London on Wednesday. Advocates are urging them to approve a lower bid by US private equity firm Carlyle. Mr Brooke said Lung Foundation Australia wanted pharmaceutical companies contracted to Philip Morris to take steps to help patients. “Organisations like GSK and Mundipharma, we want them to consider their supply chains with Vectura and consider other options so that patients are not unwittingly involved supporting the tobacco industry,” he said. Philip Morris and Vectura did not respond to requests for comment.