Members of the New South Wales Parliament across the political spectrum are calling for a Tweed cross-border community zone to be established to curb the growing border crisis.  Key points There are calls for a pilot cross-border zone in the Tweed community Some business owners cannot access their own premises But NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro says Queensland needs to agree to reduce restrictions The proposal would see checkpoints moved to the southern and western boundaries of the Tweed local government area in the far north of NSW. Tweed Mayor Chris Cherry said the impact of Queensland’s enforcement of a hard border was having a devastating impact on the local community. “Every day we are hearing case after case of the incredibly dire impacts the border closures are having on our families, but also our businesses as well across the northern rivers,” Cr Cherry said.  “We can’t just sit by and watch our communities crumble.” The latest effort comes after a meeting involving Cr Cherry and North Coast MPs including Nationals’ Member for the Tweed Geoff Provest, Greens MP Tamara Smith representing the Ballina electorate, Labor MP Janelle Saffin from the seat of Lismore and Liberal MLC Catherine Cusack. Catch up on the latest COVID-19 news here Police officers enforcing new border restrictions. Kimberley Bernard The group says the combination of lockdown and the hard border closure means residents and businesses are experiencing extremely harsh restrictions, including business owners being unable to physically access their own premises. “The premier has got a lot on her hands with the outbreak in Sydney ¦ they don’t realise the urgency of the situation we have up here,” Cr Cherry said. “If we don’t have some action very soon, we are going to feel the economic impact of longer closures for decades to come frankly. “Tweed businesses and Tweed workers can’t sustain this.” The group is calling for the Tweed zone to be used as a pilot project and, once it proves its efficacy, for it to be expanded to the greater Northern Rivers. Find more local news Browse for your location and find more local and information MPs ‘jumping the gun’, says Barilaro NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the North Coast MPs were “jumping the gun” on the issue.  “None of those MPs can guarantee me that by moving the border the Queensland government will change any level of restriction,” he said. The deputy premier said the cross-border commissioner was in conversation with the Queensland government about how restrictions could be eased. Cross-Border Commissioner James McTavish said unintended consequences from the proposal needed to be examined closely.  “You don’t want the situation, if this were to go ahead, of New South Wales coming out of restrictions, Queensland going into restrictions, then Tweed people being cut off from the rest of NSW, which is where services are principally delivered from,” he said. Loading… What do you want to know about COVID-19? How has the pandemic impacted you? Send us your questions and comments here .