For months, a two-way radio was the only reliable form of communication on Kim and Judith Felton-Taylor’s rural southern Queensland property. Key points Rural residents report ongoing problems with their Telstra landline services, often in areas without mobile coverage Maranoa MP David Littleproud says it’s the most common complaint his electorate office receives Telstra says “power and hardware faults” are to blame for the issues at Goondiwindi and Wondalli There is no consistent mobile service at Wondalli, 50km north east of Goondiwindi, and the Telstra landline only worked sporadically. “In late 2019 it went out. And it would get fixed and then it would go out again,” Ms Felton-Taylor said. “If the roads are cut, if the electricity is off, we used to rely on that landline to be able to communicate.” Ms Felton-Taylor, who makes Jojoba oil products from a plantation on their farm, bought a new smartphone to make calls in the house via WiFi ” but it was not an ideal solution. “Of course if the power’s out it doesn’t work,” she said.  “It’s my business phone, so when I’m away … Kim does not have any communication at all.” A two-way radio is often the only reliable form of communication on the Felton-Taylor’s Wondalli property. Fight for upgrades Over a period of six months in 2019-2020 the Felton-Taylors went 63 days with no landline. The couple said it was stressful to wake each day not knowing whether they could contact neighbours, family or emergency services. There have been multiple accidents on their property since their phone troubles began, including a serious bike crash that required an ambulance.  Fortunately, the landline worked when they went to call for help on that occasion. The couple eventually sought help from Maranoa MP David Littleproud, whose office organised for Telstra to escalate their case. “We were at the stage where we were ringing and getting an overseas helpline and every time it was so time-consuming ” we would have to start right from the beginning of the story,” Ms Felton-Taylor said. The Felton-Taylor’s phone service has been improved by upgrades ” but they say they should not have had to fight so hard.  Rural Jon Daly Upgrades to the local exchange have now improved, but not entirely fixed, their landline service. Mr Felton-Taylor said Telstra later apologised for the issues, but the way it was handled was “a complete and utter mess”.  “I get the impression that Telstra, unfortunately, couldn’t care less about the bush,” Mr Felton-Taylor said. “Whether that’s true or not I don’t know but I certainly think that with the lack of service and the lack of help that we got until a politician had words with them.” Lives at risk, MP says Telstra customers across the Goondiwindi, and further west at Miles and Chinchilla, are reporting similar problems with unreliable service. Maranoa MP David Littleproud said it was the most common complaint to his electorate office. “This is putting lives at risk,” he said.  “In my own electorate … people have not been able to use a landline to call 000, to call in a flying doctor, to call in an ambulance from some hundreds of kilometres away.” With a review of the federal government’s Universal Service Guarantee currently underway, the MP said he wanted to see Telstra held to account for the quality of its infrastructure in regional areas.  Maranoa MP David Littleproud has been advocating for many of the southern Queensland residents struggling with their Telstra service. Sunshine Coast Jacqui Street “They’re not getting out there and investing in the networks they need to, not only in landlines but also in mobile phones,” Mr Littleproud said. “It’s time that either Telstra does it or government may have to interfere.” In a statement, Telstra said it was aware of issues impacting Goondiwindi and Wondalli in the past 18 months. “I understand there have been interruptions resulting from power and hardware faults, and in instances like this, those components are swapped out,” a spokesperson said. “When outages have occurred resulting from transmission and hardware faults the number of customers impacted has been small. “There are clearly moments where our services fail to meet the expectations of our customers, but we™re also very proud of our ongoing investment in telecommunications services to regional Australia.” Telstra said the battery backup supplying power to the Wondalli exchange when mains power is unavailable was replaced in February.  It said it was not aware of issues at Miles and Chinchilla.  Viv Perry switches between a Telstra landline, internet and NGWL service and a satellite service from another company, depending on which is working at the time. Rural Jon Daly Business takes hit Closer to Goondiwindi, Viv Perry has been struggling to run her stock reproduction business from home. Dr Perry ” who employs Judith Felton-Taylor ” is an expert in bull fertility and needs phone and email to contact laboratories and clients about test results. She said her mobile and landline coverage varied from day to day, as did the Next G Wireless Link technology Telstra provided as a solution.  “It was fixed in January of 2020, the system worked for six months, and then it went dodgy again,” she said.  “[The business] has been held back because you’re never too sure whether you are going to have the service.” Dr Perry said she had been told the copper cable connecting her landline was too old to work properly and a “smart antenna” she bought from Telstra had failed to improve her mobile or internet service.  Viv Perry says she’s paid thousands of dollars in her search for solutions. Rural Jon Daly She also pays a different company for a satellite service. “Each time you get a new gadget like a booster system or an aerial … it’s usually $1000,” she said.  “It’s not only the monthly bills, it’s the cost of infrastructure which we have to bear ourselves. “It’s bizarre that it’s not thought to be an essential service for us. “I thought … that we were entitled to a certain level of telecommunications service whereas here if the electricity cuts out we have nothing ” nothing at all.”