A community meeting in the remote West Australian town of Fitzroy Crossing has heard emotional pleas from community members to save the town’s children. A community meeting was held in Fitzroy Crossing to find solutions to a range of social problems The meeting was largely sparked by concerns about groups of youths stealing and throwing rocks The meeting called for more infrastructure for youth including a safe house for children Fitzroy Crossing, 2,500 kilometres north of Perth, has a history of problems related to alcohol abuse, but also of taking extraordinary steps to address the issue. The town made national headlines in 2007 when local women successfully lobbied the WA state government to introduce a ban on the sale of takeaway full-strength alcohol. But like every other town across the state’s north, including the famous resort-town of Broome, alcohol and drugs are still a major issue and are having a devastating impact on families and the wider community. “Children don’t feel safe,” one elder told the crowd at this week’s meeting in Fitzroy Crossing. “Their parents are gambling away their money the children are stealing because they are dying of hunger.” Dozens of residents queued up to take the microphone at the public meeting this week, held in a grassy area known locally as the ‘cards’ place because it is where some locals gather to gamble. The meeting was called by a group of senior men concerned about the dysfunction of families still living with high levels of alcohol abuse and associated gambling and fighting. About 150 residents turned up to the meeting to try to find a “Fitzroy solution” to the town’s problems. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie ) ‘Enough is enough’ The meeting was largely sparked by growing concern about the number of children wandering the streets at night, often into the early hours. In recent weeks, up to thirty youths have been throwing rocks at homes and cars and breaking into houses and businesses. Gambling with cards is a popular pastime across Kimberley towns, but there are concerns about the wider impact. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie ) One of those who organised the meeting was the CEO of Fitzroy Crossing’s Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation, Dickie Bedford, who said that youth crime had got out of hand. “A gathering of men has decided that enough is enough and we have to do something about it,” Mr Bedford said. “There’s been a lot of break-ins, a lot of vehicles have been stolen, a lot of violence on the streets and in the communities.” But Mr Bedford said the problems were common to other towns in the Kimberley region. “When you talk about youth, you have to think straight away about Broome, Derby and Fitzroy. We’re all struggling,” he said. Drugs and alcohol There has been no takeaway full-strength alcohol sold in Fitzroy Crossing for 12 years due to the town’s alcohol restrictions. Sly grogging continues to be a major problem in Fitzroy Crossing. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie ) But there are still regular deliveries by so-called sly groggers with cartons of beer fetching up to $150. Police intercept what they can, but plenty still reaches Fitzroy’s dusty back streets. Drugs including ice are also available, and according to locals is regularly being sold to under-18s by other local residents. As one passionate speaker at the meeting put it, “our own people are killing our own people.” Marmingee Hand told the Fitzroy Crossing community meeting that people dealing drugs are damaging the lives of children. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie ) Addressing the crowd of around 150 people including parents, elders, police, and other service providers was local resident Marmingee Hand. “We should all be working together. It’s us as parents, carers, the role models. We gotta make those changes,” she told the crowd. “All of you mob who are giving our children drugs and alcohol you need to stop and think what impact you are having on our children and our families.” ‘Men need to step up’ Jadnah Davies has lived in Fitzroy Crossing since she was three years old and was the only teenager in her year to graduate from year 12 at Fitzroy Valley District High School. Jadnah Davies has worked with parents of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Fitzroy Crossing. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie ) She is now a manager at the Marulu unit of the Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre, working with parents of children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). “My message today is our men need to step up, stop leaving the responsibility of these children to the women,” Ms Davies said. “We see women come through our service every day and it’s the mothers and the grandmothers that are faced with this. “They [the children] don’t want service providers, they want their mother and father to recognise them, to show them love, to be there for them. ‘Fitzroy solution’ The meeting was called to find local solutions to the problems the community was facing. The meeting came up with a number of possible solutions to address youth crime in the town. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie ) Among the possibilities raised were a safe house for children and elders to become mentors. Other speakers said there needed to be more infrastructure for youth as well as opportunities to give them hope for the future. “A little child grows up and leaves school and they look around our workforce and they’re looking at 457-visas right throughout this community,” said Bunuba man Joe Ross. “So where’s the aspiration for those young persons in this community? “I tell you. Nowhere.” Local resident Peter Murray, who was one of the men who instigated the gathering, said the meeting was “a start” and more meetings would follow. “This town gonna go downhill and we’re here to try and wake everyone up and [get] all organisations in town to start working together to resolve these issues,” Mr Murray said. “There’s funding in town, now it’s just getting back to basics. “We used to have all these facilities and activities in town for youth, but no-one’s really working together.” A boy enjoying the Fitzroy River in the Kimberley town of Fitzroy Crossing. ( Kimberley: Claire Moodie )