A report commissioned by the Northern Territory and federal governments has recommended both urgent new alcohol laws as well as extra funding to help tackle the underlying causes of crime in Alice Springs.  The report was to advise whether blanket alcohol restrictions should be reinstated in Central Australia It comes after Anthony Albanese flew into Alice Springs last week amid growing calls for action on high rates of crime The NT chief minister and attorney-general are meeting with Mr Albanese in Canberra Long-time bureaucrat Dorrelle Anderson was tasked with advising on whether Intervention-era alcohol bans should be temporarily reinstated in the face of a spike in crime and alcohol-fuelled violence in the town. Early on Thursday, the confirmed the report recommends changes that go beyond the emergency restrictions announced during the prime minister’s trip to the town last week. Under the recommendations, stronger restrictions would stay in place until alcohol management plans were developed by communities that would allow them to opt out. The also understands the report recommends needs-based funding for the NT to properly resource the justice system and remote services. NT Chief Minister Natasha Fyles has travelled to Canberra to discuss the report with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today. Natasha Fyles and Anthony Albanese are meeting to discuss the report in Canberra today. ( : Samantha Jonscher ) The Chief Minister has refused to confirm that opt-out bans were recommended but told media the report contains multiple recommendations. She would not commit to immediately releasing the report to the public, as called for by co-chair of the Joint Council on Closing the Gap Pat Turner . NT Chief Minister warns against ‘knee jerk’ response to alcohol report Natasha Fyles says she is travelling to Canberra to discuss “any proposed actions” with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in response to a report on the crime and alcohol situation in Alice Springs. Read more “It will be publicly provided, but I’ve heard loud and clear from the people of Alice Springs that this is more than just alcohol,” she told Alice Springs. “Alcohol is a big part of it, and that’s why I will be working with the prime minister to address these issues and build upon the work we’ve been doing as a Northern Territory government.” The NT government has been criticised for allowing the bans to lapse last year without transition plans recommended by Aboriginal health organisations. Yesterday Ms Fyles said there would be no “knee-jerk” reaction to the report by Ms Anderson , who was appointed Central Australian Controller by the prime minister and is reporting to both governments. Mr Albanese said yesterday he was open to “immediate action” if it was recommended in the report. Ms Fyles and NT Attorney-General Chansey Paech were also quizzed by reporters during a mid-morning door-stop in parliament house. Both refused to say whether they accept the NT parliament has the power to legislate bans that only affect Aboriginal communities and town camps. “Look, again, highlighting that issue, with any legislative proposal that is before parliament, it needs to be assessed by the parliamentary counsel and needs to be compatible with human rights,” Mr Paech said. Ms Fyles yesterday suggested such legislation could breach anti-discrimination laws. Aboriginal groups maintain pressure for help beyond alcohol restrictions During a number of media interviews on Thursday morning, Ms Fyles said police data indicates that the emergency measures imposed last week are having an impact. They include takeaway alcohol-free days on Mondays and Tuesdays, with bottle shop opening hours restricted from 3pm-7pm on other days. The claim was backed up by Peoples’ Alcohol Action Coalition (PAAC) spokesman John Boffa . The long-running local group has continued lobbying the NT government to change its post-bans opt-in system to an opt-out model, alongside the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress health service. But Dr Boffa told RN Breakfast alcohol was only one part of the solution.  Loading… “We know that alcohol is a social determinant of health and we know it’s a cause, not a symptom. So if you address that, you will make a big difference, and we’ve done that,” he said. “But of course we also know that the causes of what’s going on here in Alice Springs are complex and multiple, and it’s about the interrelationship of multiple social determinants, and addressing alcohol alone is necessary but not sufficient.  “It’s both and ” we have to address alcohol as well as addressing those other things.” Alyawarre woman and Lowitja Foundation chairwoman Pat Anderson told Radio National there was “no quick fix” to the issue, and that First Nations people needed to be consulted and listened to. “It’s a tragedy what’s happening, but this is a long time in the making,” she said. “It just didn’t happen overnight, and governments have known for a really long time that there are issues in the Northern Territory and other jurisdictions as well.” The federal government has been resisting a commitment to needs-based funding for domestic violence services in the NT, after citing concern about the safety of women and children during last week’s announcements.