OJ Simpson was shocked. “Oh my God,” he said on Twitter this week. “Is America in this bad a shape?” He was talking about Tiger King, a docuseries that launched on Netflix two weeks ago and is currently the most popular title on the platform in Australia. When even OJ Simpson, who basically invented using popular culture to distract from your criminal history, thinks this is all a bunch of absolute insanity, it makes you pause. Here’s why everyone is talking about Tiger King and what it can teach us about the modern American psyche. What the hell is going on here? You’ve probably seen people recommending Tiger King as a coronavirus-anxiety balm, expressing disbelief at its lunacy or just nonchalantly sharing memes featuring Joe Exotic, the self-described “gay, gun-carrying redneck with a mullet”. The seven-part series traces the exotic animal market in the United States and, in particular, the small private zoos that showcase those animals to the public. It’s partly an examination of the kind of people who do this in a country where loose regulation has led to exploitation, captive breeding and all-out fiascos like the one in Zanesville, Ohio, in 2011, where dozens of exotic animals were shot after being released from a private zoo . But it’s also ” because this is Netflix ” a true-crime drama. There’s a murder-for-hire plot and a millionaire who disappeared and may or may not have been fed to tigers. Loading Twitter content Then there are the characters. Hoo boy. Where to start with them? No writers room could invent these people ” they are too unbelievable Joseph Maldonado-Passage, who calls himself Joe Exotic, keeps more than 200 tigers in a ramshackle “roadside zoo”. Because this is America, he also keeps a film crew that shoots an internet talk show (fronted by him) and makes tiger-themed videos for his country music side-hustle (not a joke). Loading YouTube content He is also, we learn in the first episode, mixed up in a plot to have a fellow zoo-owner murdered. “There was something so odd about the man, and yet he had so much confidence, because he owned the world in his head,” Rick Kirkham, who was Joe’s on-site TV producer, says. It is exhausting trying to recount the various ways in which these people are unbelievable. Joe’s mentor is fellow zoo owner Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, a ponytailed former Hollywood exotic animal handler with very little in the way of humility and a doctorate in “mystical science”. Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, who gleefully participated in the documentary, has since called it “sensationalist entertainment”. ( Supplied: Netflix ) Aside from keeping exotic animals, he keeps women ” possibly, the directors suggest, against their will. He has several “partners”, who have their own residences on the grounds of his zoo in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. One former employee recounts being worked seven days a week and pressured to get breast implants, eventually relenting only so she could get a few days’ rest. “He would say, ‘They’re free to leave,” the former employee, Barbara Fisher, says of Antle’s female companions. “But that’s the way it is in all cults.” While he claims to love his animals and adhere to US Department of Agriculture guidelines , he also subjects the cubs to petting by humans and engages in cross-breeding, both of which are discouraged by animal welfare advocates. Carole Baskin, a Florida big cat sanctuary owner, is forced to deny any involvement in her husband’s disappearance. ( Supplied: Netflix ) Then there’s Carole Baskin. Baskin appears at first like the show’s baseline of integrity, an ageing Floridian hippie on a quest to shut Joe Exotic down because, she says, he abuses animals and engages in irresponsible breeding practices. But the series questions not only her prior breeding and animal acquisition practices but covers more salacious ground: that she is reportedly the prime suspect in the disappearance of her wealthy husband, Don Lewis. America’s private zoos are a breeding ground for trouble There are many small private zoos in the United States ” what are known as “roadside zoos”. Often, according to the Animal Legal Defence Fund , they keep exotic animals in poor conditions because state and federal regulation is poorly enforced or provides too many loopholes. The situation is the same when it comes to private ownership. In some US states, there’s less paperwork involved in getting a lion than a dog, according to reporting by National Geographic magazine . The trade in exotic animals has been booming in recent years, due in part to social media. The World Wildlife Foundation estimates there are 5,000 tigers in the United States , most of them in private residences. That’s one of the largest populations anywhere in the world. You can’t import exotic animals, but those rules overlook captive breeding, which is how most Americans end up living with exotic pets and which can expose animals to genetic problems. A federal bill that would ban private ownership and cub petting has, despite Baskin’s political advocacy, been stalled for the past three years. This is another American capitalist fever dream Only in the United States, right? The series is a reminder of the way Americans’ absolutist view of personal liberty can become problematic. “When I woke up this morning I was in a free f***ing country,” says Jeff Lowe, a big cat fan whose flashy, playboy lifestyle attracts Joe. “And I’m still there.” At one point, Joe Exotic suggests he would use deadly force if anyone tried to take his animals from him. ( Supplied: Netflix ) Many of these characters believe that nobody, least of all the government, can stop you from pursuing even the most evidently destructive of business practices. In one scene, Joe Exotic ” who once ran for president because he thought it would be good for business ” tells a TV interviewer that not only will he continue to operate his zoo after an employee loses an arm to a tiger but that if the authorities tried to take his animals away there would be “a small Waco”. Meanwhile, one of Doc Antle’s employees describes, with a resigned smile, working “8am to midnight” every day. In a country with little social safety net and a federal minimum wage of $US7.25 ($11.76) an hour , where success and failure are individualised, this is not surprising. At Joe’s zoo, his workers raid the meat truck, which delivers discarded supermarket supplies that will be used to feed the tigers. The stuff that isn’t passed its use-by date is fair game. Loading YouTube content All this is reminiscent of another recent Netflix docuseries, Cheer. That series, about the hectic world of collegiate cheerleading, turned its central character, Navarro College cheer coach Monica Aldama, into a folk hero. But what it also did was show a kind of capitalism in micro: disenfranchised young people enduring back-breaking misery in the service of a victory they are told is theirs but that really rewards the people above them. Joe and Carole might be meme templates, but this still real life So … where does this all leave us? Carole Baskin had a fairly strong reaction to the docuseries. In a lengthy blog post , she outlined what she said were a series of lies and inaccuracies about her sanctuary, Big Cat Rescue, and the way it treats its animals, employees and volunteers. She also said the show “had the sole goal of being as salacious and sensational as possible to draw viewers”. “As part of that, it has a segment devoted to suggesting, with lies and innuendos from people who are not credible, that I had a role in the disappearance of my husband Don in 1997. “They did not care about truth,” she said of the directors, Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin. “The unsavoury lies are better for getting viewers.” Joe Exotic, who remains in jail, is enjoying his newfound support and his 15 minutes of fame, Goode told The New York Times . This month he filed a lawsuit against the US Government seeking nearly $US100 million in damages because he was, he says , falsely convicted. Antle said on Facebook the staff of his Myrtle Beach Safari zoo were “very disappointed” with the Netflix series. “It is important to understand that this series is not a documentary; it’s sensationalised entertainment with paid participants,” he said. Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister appealed this week for anyone with information about the disappearance of Don Lewis to come forward. Loading Twitter content Meanwhile, the internet continues to eat this all up ” the sordid lives of the haves, the have-nots, the strivers and the down-and-outs becomes mass entertainment. At one point, Kirkham, the producer who sought to turn Joe’s life into a reality TV show, says: “It’s just a crazy little comedy between exotic animal lovers.” Only, as OJ knows, it is so much more than that.