Ten years on from the death and suspected murder of her son in Broome, the mother of Josh Warneke says the botched investigation into his death has highlighted serious issues with how victims of crime are treated in Western Australia. Today marks 10 years since 21-year-old Josh Warneke was found dead in Broome A 25-year-old man was jailed for his manslaughter, but that conviction was overturned His mother says the decade-long, botched investigation reflects poorly on WA authorities The 21-year-old tradesman was last seen walking home after a night out with friends in the Kimberley town, before his body was found at the side of Old Broome Road in the early hours of February 26th, 2010. It sparked a decade-long inquiry that saw the wrongful conviction of Kiwirrkurra man Gene Gibson and has provided no answers as to who is ultimately responsible for Mr Warneke’s death. Police now believe Josh Warneke was struck by a car, rather than attacked, before his death. ( Supplied: Facebook ) Reflecting on what has been a 10-year fight for a straight answer, Mr Warneke’s mother Ingrid Bishop slammed what she maintains is an apathetic approach to the case from WA authorities. “You’ve got four key players in this process; WA Police, the courts, the Attorney-General and the coroner,” Ms Bishop told the . “It appears they’re all standing in their own corners, and no-one has stepped into the ring to demonstrate leadership. “It’s the quality of work, these ridiculous timeframes and procrastination that is still questionable.” Last week saw the first new public information on the case emerge in several years, with a leaked police report revealing the renewed investigation found Mr Warneke may have been struck by a car. It sharply contrasted the initial investigation, which focused on the possibility the 21-year-old had been attacked with a hand-held weapon. Frustration with leak Briefed on the findings last year, Ms Bishop said the leak ” particularly this close to the anniversary of Mr Warneke’s death ” crystallised her concerns about how the case is being handled. “It’s extremely disappointing that across all the agencies involved, someone has actually leaked this,” she said. “They are collectively, as as system, very disrespectful to the victim; there’s apathy, inflexibility and a whole silo mentality.” Ingrid Bishop says her calls for a coronial inquest into her son’s death have been ignored and obstructed. ( ) Now living in Melbourne, Ms Bishop said she has had to constantly pressure police and WA authorities to keep the case moving, and that progress has been slow to non-existent during times the case was out of the spotlight. Adamant that a coronial inquest is the only way to find what happened to her son, she said her efforts to lobby for one have also been obstructed and ignored. “I’m dealing with the outcome of my son’s murder, and I’ve got to wait for someone to come back from holidays,” Ms Bishop said. “I’m declined meetings because I’m apparently a ‘key influencer’. “It’s as stressful as the death of Josh, because it continues to block our healing.” Attorney-General ‘understanding’ In response to questions from the , a spokesperson for Attorney-General John Quigley said he was sympathetic. “The Attorney-General understands Ms Bishop’s frustration and would be happy to meet with her,” the spokesperson said. “He cannot comment beyond that.” While WA Police maintain they are progressing a report on Mr Warneke’s death for the WA Coroner, and will not be making any further comment. Despite the setbacks, Ms Bishop has no intention of releasing pressure on the Government, and believes there will eventually be a full inquest. “It’s as if the whole judicial system is impenetrable to people like me,” she said. “But what they don’t realise is we have more tenacity and resilience than they think.”