Taxi driver, gang pastor and “crazy Australian” are just a few of the monikers Andie Steele-Smith has been given in recent months. The township of Manenberg in South Africa has struggled with gang violence Gangs like the Americans and Clever Kids are now working together to distribute supplies during the coronavirus crisis Australian pastor Andie Steele-Smith, who started the project, hopes it can bring an end to old rivalries Since South Africa went into coronavirus lockdown, Mr Steele-Smith has been distributing hygiene products and food packages throughout Cape Town’s low-income townships. However, the former banker-turned-missionary hasn’t been doing these drops alone. “We quickly realised that we weren’t going to distribute quick enough on our own,” he told RN Drive. “The day lockdown started, some gang leaders called me and said people are starving. “[Together] we started distributing in gang areas.” Read our  full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic Mr Steele-Smith said ordinarily many of the young gang members were mortal enemies. “We started with one or two rival gangs working together, now we have four or five gangs turning up to deliver food everyday. One of the apartment blocks being fed weekly by the project started by Andie Steele-Smith. ( Supplied: Josh Rubin ) “Now they are fist bumping ” or elbow bumping ” and working together. “For eight or nine weeks now, we have had almost complete peace between these gangs.” Sixth-generation gangsters Life in the township of Manenberg outside Cape Town is hard for young people. Violence and crime play a central role in day-to-day life. Gangs with names like the Americans, Clever Kids, Jesters, Hard Livings and Dixie Boys command territories and are notorious for serious criminal acts. Mr Steele-Smith arrived in South Africa in 2015 and set up a ministry in Cape Town, after leaving his job in banking in the UK to pursue life as a pastor. A year later, he began cooking up a traditional South African barbeque, or braai, on the street to get to know young people facing trouble in Manenberg. Andie Steele-Smith works with volunteers from a number of gangs to distribute supplies during COVID-19. ( Supplied: Josh Rubin ) “When we turned up, we figured the last thing Africa needed was a bunch of white missionaries promising to solve their problems. For the first year we just listened and learnt.” The first braai Mr Steele-Smith held ended with up to 100 young people showing up, but the early days weren’t without hairy moments. “The second braai we started was right outside a gang club house and the boys in the gang looked at us as if to say, ‘I’m not quite sure if we’re meant to kill you or not.'” Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak Download the app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest on how the pandemic is impacting the world The gangsters he met were anywhere between 15 and 35 years old, and Mr Steele-Smith said it helped him understand the “heartbeat” of the community. “Around 80 to 90 per cent of these boys didn’t have fathers, not just out of their lives, but most of their dads were dead. “Most of them are fourth, fifth or six generation gangsters.” Coronavirus questions answered Breaking down the latest news and research to understand how the world is living through an epidemic, this is the ‘s Coronacast podcast. Read more Mr Steele-Smith said most of the younger men had similar aspirations to any kid, with a desire to be kind and contribute to society. “There was a local gang leader, he was a ‘Chopper Read’-type guy, but he worked an average of 12 hours to help us rebuild shacks after slum fires,” he said. “I figured if this hardcore guy has the desire to be good, and do good, they just need someone who believes in them.” Bringing the gangs together When COVID-19 began, Mr Steele-Smith contacted a gang leader he had met at a funeral, named Leroy, and his right-hand-man, Preston. He asked them to organise meetings between some of the rival groups. “Leroy thought I was mad, Preston though, he is full of courage.” Preston is a senior leader of the Americans gang. ( Supplied: Josh Rubin ) They took Mr -Steele Smith into three different gang territories to discuss how supplies could be distributed. “We were without any guns, no protection, I thought I was about to be filled with holes.” Luckily, the gangs listened and the program started with an agreement to distribute supplies within their respective territories. “Essentially, it’s gangsters and soldiers from each gang taking food to hundreds of homes.” “[Then] some of the Americans leaders came into the Clever Kids gang area, and they were working together.” Sustaining the change Mr Steele-Smith says sustaining these uneasy alliances is the next challenge. “Society would say these boys are lowlife criminals, but I would say they are hustlers, and they are born as hustlers in this community.” “The beautiful thing coming out of this situation, tragic and as terrible as COVID-19 is, is that it’s buying us time to work out what comes next to keep this growing.” Food parcels are being distributed throughout gang territories. ( Supplied: Josh Rubin ) “In all honesty, the food is an unintended consequence. The goal for me is getting these boys working and cooperating together.” “If they can be friends when and if COVID-19 ends, then, God willing, if they were to go back to their old ways ” and there will be temptation ” I’m hoping that at very least, if they line up somebody who is now a friend in their sights, that they are much less likely to pull the trigger.”