Last Christmas, it was near impossible to book a table at Jimmy Shu’s famed Hanuman restaurant in Darwin’s CBD. Key points Chamber of Commerce chief executive Greg Ireland says people are reconsidering visiting the Northern Territory, despite borders opening next week All arrivals will need to stay in a high-vaccination zone for two weeks, effectively blocking trips to the territory’s most-popular destinations Health Minister Natasha Fyles says the government needs to strike a balance Now, after months battling rolling cancellations, staff shortages and confusing border rule changes, the celebrated restaurateur says that, for the first time, he’s preparing to close over the festive period. “We would usually fill the whole restaurant. Now we can fill the inside and maybe just two or three tables outside,” he said. “I look at the bottom line, and it is less than last year.” Mr Shu says he, and business owners across the Northern Territory, are now grappling with yet another setback. Next week, the Territory is opening its borders to all vaccinated arrivals , scrapping quarantine and introducing new rules that will limit arrivals to staying within the “high-vaccination zones” of Greater Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs for their first 14 days in the Territory. Mr Shu said the sweeping changes would empty his restaurant even more. “We’re dependent on the tourist dollar,” he said. “Even if it’s not a tourist, it is the relatives who come to visit the locals. “Business is not going to be the same again. For us, we might be looking at even downsizing.” about COVID-19 Do kids still need the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia? COVID cases are rising across Australia. Here’s what we know FLiRT is the new COVID causing subvariant, and it’s been detected in Australia Greg Ireland says businesses have not been consulted by the government.  Michael Franchi Tourists ‘reconsidering travel’ to NT NT Chamber of Commerce chief executive Greg Ireland said the requirement to stay in a high-vaccination zone for two weeks had caused significant challenges for several industries, with popular spots such as Uluru, Kakadu and Litchfield effectively off-limits for visitors. “People are reconsidering their travel to the Territory on the basis that they can’t get out and see the jewels of the crown which are in the remote areas,” he said. Mr Ireland said the rules put strict limitations on travellers arriving from COVID-free regions, such as Western Australia and Tasmania. “It certainly came as a shock to business. We weren’t expecting them, we hadn’t been consulted on them and very loud and quick reactions from the business community, as well as many others, say that this is just creating too much concern,” he said. At a press conference on Tuesday, Northern Territory Health Minister Natasha Fyles defended the government’s approach to the border, despite criticism about a lack of consultation. “We’ve acknowledged that the tourism and hospitality industry has been one of the hardest-hit ¦ it has certainly been a very bumpy ride and, unfortunately, that will continue into the future as we transition from a pandemic to an endemic,” she said. “But we will continue to listen closely to industry and work with them.” Ms Fyles said the government was now reconsidering the rule banning tourists from low-vaccination zones such as Uluru. Rick Jones says the Northern Territory government’s COVID-19 restrictions have caused a constant flow of cancellations and refunds.   Michael Franchi Call to ease restrictions for the vaccinated For Rick Jones, the chief executive and owner of Kakadu Air, a small tourism company that has operated scenic flights across Kakadu and Katherine Gorge for more than 40 years, the wet season typically sees a downtick in bookings. However, over the past week, he’s seen significant losses as even more cancellations mount. He said that, despite recording a loss of almost $1 million in cancellations between June 30 and September 30 of this year, his company did not qualify for government assistance. Now, he said, the restrictions were another nail in the coffin. Bruce Kennon says he would like to see the Northern Territory’s border restrictions eased further.  Michael Franchi “The whole idea of a holiday in the Northern Territory is to go and see parts of the Northern Territory,” Mr Jones said. “Tourists won’t even be able to go to Adelaide River to see the jumping crocs.” Mr Jones said he would like to see border restrictions eased for all vaccinated arrivals. It’s a sentiment shared by Bruce Kennon, the owner of The Rugby Shop in Darwin’s CBD, who said “virtually locking” people in the high-vaccination zone of Darwin won’t help businesses. “We rely very heavily on the tourist market ¦ but you can’t have them isolated or confined to a certain space” he said. “If they come to the Territory, they are going to want to see the Territory,” he said. Loading… Read our full coverage on COVID-19 here Loading…