The Victorian government outlined the state’s roadmap out of lockdown on Sunday, detailing a multi-step plan towards more freedoms and fewer restrictions on movement and activities. The implementation of the roadmap will hinge on high vaccination rates throughout the population , with everything from interstate travel and major events to schooling and capacity limits at restaurants to be subject to vaccination targets. Here’s how Victoria reacted. Business group devastated by path littered with ‘roadblocks’ While the promise of lessened restrictions has offered some certainty to Victorian business owners , the stringent conditions and long wait has tempered excitement. The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Paul Guerra said his members wanted to see more restrictions easing at the 70 per cent full vaccination mark. “Victorian businesses wanted a pathway to prosperity but all we got was a roadmap with roadblocks,” he said. “Quite simply we wanted to see [restrictions] … come into line with where NSW is at, at 70 per cent double vaccinated, and the Victorian road map has fallen a long way short of that.” He said instead, businesses already struggling to survive faced a two-month wait to be able to open “in any meaningful way”. The Victorian branch of the Australian Hotels Association said the outlined capacity requirements, where hospitality venues would only be able to open for 50 people in outdoor settings until the 80 per cent double vaccination target was reached, were far too restrictive and harsh. AHA Victoria president David Canny said livelihoods were at risk due to the decision making, and asked Victoria to follow the lead of states like New South Wales. Melbourne’s hospitality venues will remain closed for dine-in service until late October under the roadmap.  Ron Ekkel “Our pubs and hotels employ 52,000 Victorians; livelihoods and jobs will continue to be lost if we can’t balance our health response with business needs,” he said. “We are asking for consistency across our industry and country. We don’t want Victoria lagging behind other states when we can be part of the solution to getting Victoria back on track.” For Mernda cafe owner Matthew James, the roadmap announcement was a mixed bag. Owner of Turners Bakehouse Matthew James says lockdown has been very tough for his business. Supplied “Big picture it’s good, we’ve got a timeline which gives us time to organise ourselves and get ourselves ready for the reopening,” he said. However, Mr James said he had hoped to be able to reopen sooner. “It’s six weeks away-ish, which is a bit disappointing. It would have been better for small business if it was a bit closer. But it is what it is, we’ve just got to move forward and be prepared for when we open,” he said. “I think it’s a thumbs up for small business.” The Property Council of Australia praised the roadmap release, calling it a “fairly cautious and sensible approach. Victorian executive director Danni Hunter said the government’s benchmarks for vaccination were well-judged. The Property Council of Australia’s Danni Hunter says the property sector is crying out for people to return to work. Supplied “We think the 80 per cent mark is the right point in time to bring people back to the office and to get the construction sector booming again,” Ms Hunter said. “This is of course going to be contentious. We want to get back to work, we want to welcome people back to into our offices because we know that people being in the city and in their offices is the lifeblood of the CBD.” The opposition Opposition Leader Matthew Guy praised the state government for delivering a plan, but said it lacked concrete commitments that would give Victorians genuine hope. “I welcome the fact that there is a plan, I welcome the fact that the government has finally given themselves or given Victorians a way out of this, however the plan appears to be full of if, buts and maybes,” Mr Guy said. “This is in my view, sadly, too harsh for too long. Discussing Victorians … being in lockdown for another six weeks will be hard for many people to hear but that’s what today offers.” Under the roadmap, Melbourne’s lockdown is expected to ease around late October, when 70 per cent of the population aged 16+ is fully vaccinated. “To hear that we will live like the way we are living for another five weeks minimum, I think Victorians will find very hard to hear,” Mr Guy said. “To look at capacity limits that are not going to be able to work for business, to look at children returning very, very late in some instances for school ¦ is not offering Victorians hope.” Melbourne’s roadmap explained In five stages, the Victorian government’s roadmap outlines how restrictions are set to be eased in Melbourne as the state moves past key vaccination thresholds. Here’s what’s changing between now and Christmas. Mr Guy said the Opposition would propose alternative plans during the coming week that were safe, sensible and “commonsense based”. He also drew attention to the government’s projection of hospital admissions peaking at 3,150 in December. “What’s really concerning to me is that we’ve had 18 months to prepare for this,” he said. “The government promised 4,000 hospital beds in April last year. It was a good announcement. Only 500 or so have been delivered. “Unfortunately the state government has missed that mark today and we are the ones who will suffer for it, all Victorians.” When asked about the availability of ICU beds for a surge in patients, Premier Daniel Andrews said 4,000 ICU beds was not what “success looks like”. “They’ll be expanded as they’re needed,” Mr Andrews said. “We grow the system as the demand grows, as the need grows.” Leader of the Opposition Matthew Guy criticised the length of time outlined in the roadmap for kids to return to school. AAP James Ross The nursing union noted the state government’s comments on the gradual easing of restrictions, which Mr Andrews said could be paused or rolled back should hospitalisations spiral out of control. The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick said the organisation supported the emphasis on caution. “The Premier repeatedly and respectfully acknowledged the important work of nurses and other health care workers, recognising the pressure we are already under,” Ms Fitzpatrick said. “We are reassured the roadmap can be paused to prevent COVID patients overwhelming our health system and our workforce so that we are not making impossible decisions about who gets a hospital bed.” For one family, relief Ethan, Noah, Fernando, Micah and Sandra Samaha are excited about Victoria’s new roadmap. Oliver Gordon For the Samaha family in Essendon, the roadmap has provided something to look forward to. “It’s just great to have some certainty, otherwise it just felt like ‘how long is a piece of string?’,” father of three Fernando said. “We had stopped planning, motivation levels were tanking. We’re thankful there’s a roadmap.” “This lockdown has felt like the never ending lockdown,” Sandra said. For the Samaha boys, the roadmap represents a return to normal life. “It’ll be a bounceback for pretty much everyone at this point,” Ethan said. “The first thing I’ll do when we get out of lockdown is probably go out with my friends and we’ll play footy, play basketball at the park,” Micah said. “We sacrificed two years of our school, we just want it to be normal again. We don’t want it to all be complicated. It’s good to see that in the dark tunnel, there’s a light shining.” Loading… Read our full coverage on COVID-19 here Loading…